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Thursday 16 July 2015

List of 50 Important Marketing Questions for SBI PO Exam Preparation

1).Which among the following represents an output from the marketing environment?
a) Information on shoppers’ attitudes purchased by Debenhams Department Stores
b) Nike’s television advertising campaign featuring a leading sports personality
c) Money borrowed by Liverpool F.C. to help finance its operations.
d) Steel purchased by Volvo to be used in producing cars
e) Mittal takeover Arcenal to become largest steel maker company
Answer is: B
2).Compaq Computers which collects information about political, legal, regulatory, societal,
economic, competitive and technological forces that may affect is marketing activities. This
process is called as______
a) Environmental scanning
b) Environmental analysis
c) Marketing information analysis
d) Survey of environment
e) None of these
Answer is: A
3).When Pepsi Co takes the information collected through research and attempts to assess
and interpret what it means for its soft drink marketing efforts, Pepsi Co is involved in
a) planning
b) forces
c) management
d) scanning
e) analysis
Answer is: E
4).After Compaq Computers gathers information related to its marketing environmental, it
attempts to define current environmental changes and predicts future changes, allowing it to
determine possible opportunities and threats facing the company, this process are
a) Marketing information processing
b) Marketing planning
c) Survey of environment
d) Environmental analysis
e) Environmental scanning
Answer is: D
5).If cigarette manufacturers were to lobby Parliament to get restrictions on cigarette
advertising eased; their environmental response would best be described as______
a) dominant
b) conservative
c) proactive
d) reactive
e) passive
Answer is: C
6).Procompetitive legislation and _______________ are the two major categories of laws that
directly affect marketing practices.
a) Consumer protection legislation
b) Consumer price discrimination legislation
c) Trading standards legislation
d) Unfair trade practices laws
e) None of these
Answer is: A
7).If the National Association of Hoisery Manufacturers sets guidelines for its member firms to
follow regarding the use of unethical practices, it engaging in ________.
a) Trade restraint
b) Environmental scanning
c) Self-regulation
d) Lobbying
e) Legislation
Answer is: C
8).The consumer movement is________.
a) A social movement that is able to challenge big business practices
b) A movement that is trying to improve consumer satisfaction
c) Against foreign imports that are much cheaper than a products produced in the
home market
d) A diverse group of individuals, groups and organisations attempting to protect the
rights of consumers
e) None of these
Answer is: D
9).Lynx has demonstrated against the sale of coats made of animal furs. This group’s efforts to
change shoppers’ attitudes represent ___________ for fur retailers.
a) Self-regulation
b) An opportunity
c) A societal force
d) An economic force
e) A technological force
Answer is: C
10).The period in the business cycle in which there is extremely high unemployment, low
wages, minimum total disposable income, and a lack of confidence in the economy by
consumers is __________.
a) growth
b) recession
c) depression
d) recovery
e) prosperity
Answer is: C
11).Which products would probably see the smallest negative impact on sales in a period of
a) Sony television
b) Sunmed holidays
c) Kraft General Foods microwave popcorn
d) HP baked beans
e) Nike sportswear
Answer is: D
12).In terms of consumer demand and spending behavior, marketers are most interested in
a) High incomes
b) Pretax income
c) Disposable income
d) Wealth
e) Consumer credit
Answer is: C
13).Income left over after an individual pays taxes and purchases the basic necessities of food,
clothing and shelter is called________.
a) credit
b) taxable income
c) accounting income
d) discretionary income
e) disposable income
Answer is: D
14).By offering credit through its shops, allied, the furniture and carpet retailer, is trying to get
consumers to____
a) expand disposable income at the expense of discretionary income
b) decrease both disposable and discretionary income
c) expand current buying power at the expense of future buying power
d) expand discretionary income at the expense of disposable income
e) expand both disposable income and wealth
Answer is: C
15).Mixed concrete cannot be shipped further than 25 miles because the concrete might
harden in the truck. Antrim Country Company is the only supplier of mixed concrete within a 30
mile radius. Antrim Country Concrete Company is an example of ____________ competitive
a) Monopoly
b) Monopsony
c) Monopolistic Competition
d) Perfect Competition
e) Oligopoly
Answer is: A
16).A comprehensive spending pattern is ___________
a) Shows the percentages of annual family expenditures allotted to general classes of
goods and services
b) Is used to determine the precise buying power of individuals
c) Shows annual discretionary income of consumers
d) Indicates the annual amounts spend by families for specific products within a general
product class
e) None of these
Answer is: A
17).A spending pattern that indicates the annual amounts households spend for particular
products within a general product class is called_______.
a) A behavioral spending pattern
b) A product specific spending pattern
c) A consumer spending pattern
d) A comprehensive spending pattern
e) An average spending pattern
Answer is: B
18).What type of competitive structure exists when a few sellers control a large portion of the
supply of a product?
a) Monopolistic Competition
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopoly
d) Perfect Competition
e) Mixed Competition
Answer is: B
19).The type of competitive structure that exists when a firm with many potential competitors
attempts to develop a differential marketing strategy to establish its own market share is:
a) Perfect Competition
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopolistic Competition
d) Monopoly
e) None of these
Answer is: C
20).What is the name of the procedure used to predict the effects of new products and
processes on a firm or on society in general?
a) Technology Assessment
b) Social Audit
c) Environmental Assessment
d) Social Estimation
e) Environmental Scanning
Answer is: A
21).Which product is MOST likely being purchased through routine decision marketing?
a) Television set
b) Shirt
c) Desk
d) Soft drink
e) Car
Answer is: D
22).Alice plans to buy a new swimsuit for her spring break cruise. She has not seen this year’s
styles and will do some shopping around before making a purchase decision. Alice is engaging
in ___________.
a) Extensive decision making
b) Extensive response behavior
c) Limited decision making
d) Routine response behavior
e) None of these
Answer is: C
23).Susan has left her parents home and moved into a new flat. She is spending considerable
time and effort comparing the ranges of furniture in different retail stores. Which type of
decision-making process is she using?
a) Routine
b) Shopping
c) Extensive
d) Intensive
e) Selective
Answer is: C
24).If Kwik-Fit runs an ad asking customers to check windscreen wiper blades for wear, the
firm is attempting to stimulate which of the following?
a) Evaluation of alternatives
b) Evoked set formation
c) Information Search
d) Problem recognition
e) None of these
Answer is: D
25).As Bob runs out of shaving cream, he tries to remember what he did the last time this
happened. He is engaging in_________.
a) External search
b) Alternative evaluation
c) Internal search
d) Evoked set development
e) Cognitive dissonance
Answer is: C
26).Which is the major factors that used to divide markets into consumer markets or
organizational markets?
a) Buyer’s characteristics and the frequency of purchases.
b) Buyer characteristics and product characteristics.
c) Buyer characteristics and the purposes for which they buy products.
d) Product prices and buyer characteristics.
e) Buyer characteristics and size of purchases.
Answer is: C
27).Linda and George are caught up in the fitness craze and are looking for a health club to
join. This purchase is likely to be affected by ________ involvement.
a) perceived
b) evoked
c) enduring
d) internal
e) low
Answer is: C
28).The three major categories of influences that are believed to influence the consumer
buying decision process are personal, psychological and_________.
a) situational
b) social
c) person-specific
d) demographic
e) cultural
Answer is: B
29).Which among the following is considered a situational factor influencing the consumer
buying decision process?
a) Social class
b) Personality
c) A raise in pay
d) Culture
e) Family
Answer is: C
30).Shopping in her local Spar, Jim sees a new diet cola. He picks up a six-pack to take home
and try. This purchase is indicative of __________ decision making.
a) Low-involvement
b) situational
c) internal set
d) extensive
e) None of these
Answer is: A
31).Personality characteristics, perception, motives, ability, knowledge and attitudes
a) are extend force that affect the market
b) are external forces that affect consumers’ behavior
c) are psychological forces that may influence consumers’ behavior
d) can be measured accurately by marketers
e) operate independently of environmental influences
Answer is: C
32).Perception is a three-step process that involves _______.
a) Anticipating, classifying, and discarding information inputs.
b) Collecting, eliminating, and organizing information inputs.
c) Selecting, organizing, and interpreting information inputs.
d) Motivation, personality, and attitudes.
e) None of these
Answer is: C
33).Reading through a copy of loaded containing advertisements for sweaters form Ralph
Lauren, Levi Strauss jeans and tennis shoes from Adidas, Martin remembers only the shoe ad,
thanks to the recent tear in his Reebooks. Martin has engaged in selective:
a) reading
b) analysis
c) decision making
d) retention
e) distortion
Answer is: D
34).A change in an individual’s behavior prompted by information and experience is
a) learning
b) motivation
c) inculturation
d) role selection
e) perception
Answer is: A
35).If a market researcher for Pot Noodles studies consumer motives by having subjects
complete bubble cartoons, the researcher is probably employing which motivation research
a) Attitude scale
b) Patronage motivation technique
c) Projective technique
d) Group interview
e) Depth interview
Answer is: C
36).Attitude refers to ____________
a) competence and efficiency in performing activities
b) a set of actions that a person in a particular position is supposed to perform
c) the internal traits and behavior that makes a person unique
d) a person’s behavior caused by information and experience
e) one’s evaluation, feelings, and behavior tendencies towards an object or idea
Answer is: E
37).An attitude scale measures the______.
a) Intensity of a buyer’s desire for the product.
b) Amount of experience the buyer has had with the product.
c) Buyer’s level of information about a product.
d) Intensity of buyer’s feelings toward a certain object.
e) Strength of buyer’s need for a product.
Answer is: D
38).The set of actions and activities associated with each position one holds within a group,
organisation, institution constitutes _______.
a) perception
b) a role
c) a motive.
d) An attitude
e) Personality.
Answer is: B
39).A culture can be divided into subcultures according to which of the following?
a) the information to which consumers allow themselves to be exposed.
b) Geographic regions and income levels.
c) Geographic regions or human characteristics, such as age or ethnic background
d) The motive that people have for their behavior
e) Personality characteristics.
Answer is: C
40).Shortly after purchasing a product, the post purchase evaluation may result in cognitive
dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is best defined as _________.
a) The establishment of criteria for comparing products.
b) Satisfaction with the purchase.
c) The congruence between external and internal searches for product information.
d) Doubts that occur because the buyer questions whether the decision to purchase the
product was right.
e) None of these
Answer is: D
41).According to the text, a product is________
a) Everything the customer receives in an exchange.
b) The service is rendered to a customer.
c) Goods and that the services the customer receives in an exchanges
d) The physical object the customer receives in an exchange.
e) The idea that the customer receiver in an exchange.
Answer is: A
42). A light bulb can be considered all of the following EXCEPT
a) An business-to-business product
b) A consumer product
c) An industrial product if it is used to light an assembly line in a factory.
d) Either a consumer product or an industrial product
e) A consumer product if it is used to light the office of the board of directors
Answer is: E
43).Among the following which is an example of a convenience consumer product?
a) A motorcycle
b) petrol
c) stereo equipment
d) athletic shoes
e) a bicycle
Answer is: B
44).Sue North called several airlines to compare rates and choose a flight on British Midland
as it had better reputation for service and competitive prices. The airline ticket is an example of
which type of product?
a) specialty
b) shopping
c) unsought
d) convenience
e) None of these
Answer is: B
45). Products that are relatively inexpensive and are purchased frequently with minimal effort
can be classified as ________ products.
a) specialty
b) convenience
c) shopping
d) unsought
e) industrial
Answer is: B
46). Industrial products are_______
a) Frequently purchased for their functional aspects and their psychological rewards.
b) Not purchased by non business organizations.
c) Traditionally classified according to their characteristics and intended uses.
d) Purchased for personal consumption.
e) None of these
Answer is: C
47). Large tools and machines used in a production process for a considerable length of time
are classified as_______.
a) Major equipment
b) Component parts
c) Raw materials
d) Accessory equipment
e) Consumable supplies
Answer is: A
48). Items that are purchased routinely, do not become part of the final physical product, and
are treated like expense items rather than capital goods are called as_______.
a) Components parts
b) Major equipment
c) Accessory equipment
d) Process materials
e) Raw materials
Answer is: C
49).Products that are used directly in the production of a final product but are not easily
identifiable are categorized as__________.
a) Component parts
b) Consumable supplies
c) Accessory products
d) Assembly components
e) Process materials
Answer is: E
50).Which one of the following is NOT an industrial product?
a) Transistors used as components for portable radios
b) Oil to be refined into fuel for homes
c) A marketing consultant who prepares marketing plans for clients
d) Paper, pens, and glue used in bank branch offices
e) Computer software to help people complete personal tax forms
Answer is: E

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